Anime/Manga Reviews

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Naruto Chapter 623 Review - Hashirama & Madara = Romeo & Juliet ???

Alright, my first WRITTEN Naruto chapter review ! :D I always wanted to do this for a while, but I never had the time to. Anyway, lets get to the review shall we? Oh and if you haven't been up-to-date with the Naruto manga or read it at all and ONLY watch the anime, get out. I don't want to spoil anything for you guys. but if you don;t care then read on I guess :P


Okay, I'm going to do a run down on the chapter for those who hasn't read and to refresh others minds. THEN, I'll get to the review.  For those who don't need this rundown, you can scroll down until you see a green END, ya know, just to save you guys the time.

Basically the chapter starts off with Hashirama and Madara doing their whole buddy-buddy thing like in the last chapter: Madara poking fun at Hashirama, this time about the way he looks, Hashirama sulking, sparing with each other, and sharing hopes & dreams of living in a world where children won't have to go through war.
Then one day, Hashirama wanted he and Madara to master a new move that he created...with the mane that is quite a mouthful: The Mega Fist of Fiery Illusion Shuriken Slicer Double Impact Jutsu! I get a head just by reading it... @___@'''

                                                                            That lil sneak...

But instead, Madara suggest they do something else, by climbing on the cliff to work on their upper body strength. Hashirama, being a sneaky kid, 'sulks' and ran up the cliff while Madara berates him. Cheater ! xD
Eventually they both get to the top...

...on what it appears to be the (future) Hokage Mountain...face thing.

Amazed by the view, Madara suggested that they have a contest on who can see better, almost revealing that he has the Sharingan, to which he quickly took back. He then went on to say that he only had one other brother (Izuna) and promising to himself that he will protect him at all cost, since he lost his other brothers.

Hashirama then shares his ideas on building a village, with an academy, missions that are best suited for their skills and all that is Konoha today. and Madara couldn't agree more.

They later skip rocks again, both being on the opposite sides of the river, and decided to hold on to each others rock until their next meeting.

Back at home, Hashirama's father, who's name escapes me for the moment, told Hashirama that he was fully aware that he was meeting with someone thanks to Tobirama, who followed him after being suspicious on where he is always off to. There, his father revealed to him that Madara is an Uchiha, a fact that Hashirama had already suspected. Being the best dad ever, he ordered Hashirama to gather intel from Madara and to KILL him if he gets suspicious...dafuq dude !? He also mentions that he'll be watching him.

The next day at the river, Madara announced that skipping rocks will be how they'll greet from now on. As they cought each other rocks, they see messages that they wrote on the rocks to each other, warning each other to "RUN" and "LEAVE NOW. ITS A TRAP." Madara then makes an excuse to leave and as they both quickly go their separate ways...BOOM, their fathers and little brothers shows up, knowing this would happen and gets ready to fight each other. and that's it.


Personally, I gotta say that this chapter was pretty good, certainly better than the last chapter. Don't get me wrong, I liked the last chapter too, but it didn't really excite me like this one did. Though I will admit,

The beginning of the the chapter started out a little slow for me, since I already know that Hashirama and Madara are buddies and what not. We already know that they want a place where no children won't have to suffer they have and they end their day skipping rocks.

Now the most interesting part, at least for me, starts to begin. Seeing as though Tobirama kinda gave me that 'douche bag' vibe when he started talking about the Uchihas a few chapters ago, I knew he was gonna ruin the "beautifulness of that which is Hashirama/Madara friendship' by being his asshole father's spy. Tobirama is a good boy. But that's understandable I guess...the little ones are always the most loyal to the parents.

At the end of this chapter, where both fathers and little brothers popped outta nowhere after Madara & Hashirama failing to do what they're told, which was to get intel and kill each other... strangely reminded me of Romeo and Juliet, or in this case, Romeo and ...Jules. o__O

Leave them alone dammit ! >.<

My predictions for next chapter...I think that both fathers are going to die by each others hand, seeing as though they probably won't listen to their sons if they try to convince them to stop and intervene. Could I be wrong? Well yea xD but that's what I think at the moment.

I don't see Izuna dying, cuz well, c'mon...wasn't he older when he died? Speaking of Izuna, didn't he remind you of a young Sasuke ? He looked adorable to me :P I would love to see more interaction between Izuna and Tobirama though ! I could see them arguing on which older brother is better xD

My favorite part of this chapter: The messages on the rocks. To me, that was genius :D

On a scale of 1 to 5, I rate this chapter a 4, since to me, it had a slow beginning.

Wahhh no Naruto next week... T^T

Let me know what you think, I would love to hear about your thoughts on this chapter and your prediction too ! :)

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