Anime/Manga Reviews

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Like the lil comic I made ? xD

I really wanted to do this for a while and now I finally had the time to do it ! xD When I first read the chapter where they revealed that Tobi is Obito (which was obvious, I really didn't want it to be him though, I love Obito ! D:) I instantly thought of that scene from the Dark Knight:  

Batman: "Because you were the best of us. He wanted to prove that someone as good as you could fall." 
Two Face: "and he was right."

I CAN'T be the only one who thought of this ! xD Now that you think about it, There's a LOT similarities between Obito and Two Face, well...Dark Knight's Two Face:

  • They both were once thought as heros
    • Obito having his name on the KIA memorial stone.
    • Two face being Gothem's White Knight and having a day dedicated to him (as seen on the Dark Knight Rises)
  • They both are in love with someone who has feelings for someone else.
    • Rin with Kakashi and Rachel with Bruce Wayne
      • However later on in the movie, Rachel chose Harvey and friend-zoned Bruce.
  • Both their love interest dies, and their rival (the women's love interest) carries the guilt for it.
    • Kakashi failed to protect Rin know... ( ._.)
    • Bruce (Batman) wasn't able to save her due to unknowingly going to Harvey's location.
  • Their death triggered their decent to madness.
    • Also with the help of an evil genius: Madara & The Joker
  • They both have scars on half of their entire face

I'm pretty sure there's more, When I find some, I'll put it on my blog and maybe my Tumblr xD

Yup there you have it: Obito is Two Face, Kakashi is Batman, Rin is Rachel, and Madara is the Joker. :icondignitylaughplz: